Three African countries conducted randomized controlled trials that showed statistically significant evidence in favor of circumcision Sydney against HIV transmission. One study led by the University of Illinois involved 2,784 men between the ages of 18 and 24. The trial …
Here are some details to help you decide whether or not you should have an Adult Circumcision. First, check out our article on why CDC supports the practice. Next, you will learn about the risks associated with adult circumcision and …
The first one is purely health related, as the procedure is not life-threatening. It is actually quite safe. However you should still make sure your baby recovers quickly. It’s not worth risking the baby’s health or that of your family.…
A doctor can circumcise an adult patient if he feels it is necessary for a healthy male reproductive process. Before the procedure can be performed, the patient needs to be sedated with medication given by an anesthesiologist. The foreskin is …
The benefits of using a circumcision formula are many. These include: Predictable time to void after circumcision; Reduced risk for sexually transmitted diseases; Retracted skin; and Painful erections. The most important thing is that circumcision formula lowers the risk for …